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Photo Info

Dimensions1782 x 2614
Original file size1.06 MB
Image typeJPEG

Faye and Rob[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D2HFocal Length: 200mmOptimize Image: Color Mode: Mode I (sRGB)Long Exposure NR: Off2005/10/28 17:12:46.7Exposure Mode: Aperture PriorityWhite Balance: AutoTone Comp.: NormalRAW (12-bit)Metering Mode: Multi-PatternAF Mode: AF-SHue Adjustment: 0°Image Size: Large (2464 x 1632)1/100 sec - F/2.8Flash Sync Mode: Not AttachedSaturation: Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSharpening: Medium lowLens: VR 70-200mm F/2.8 GSensitivity: ISO 800Image Comment: Geoff Byers; [#End of Shooting Data Section]